Meet Astrologer & Writer, Cosmic Cannibal

Meet Astrologer & Writer, Cosmic Cannibal

Well, hello there! I’m Camille, aka Cosmic Cannibal, a Colorado-based writer, astrologer, author, and artist with over a decade of experience illuminating the astrological path for clients worldwide. From decoding birth charts to crafting captivating horoscopes, my cosmic journey has been nothing short of stellar. 

Guidance from the Galaxy

     I first became fascinated with astrology in my early teens, when I read Linda Goodman’s Love Signs, a massive “cookbook” on astrological compatibility; I also loved reading my “Love & Relationship” horoscopes in Cosmo Girl and other teen magazines, because I found the concept of an ideal astrological match compelling. Astrology also helped me find validation in my creative talents and life’s purpose, while also illuminating the reasons behind certain personality quirks of myself and my family. Through teaching myself how to read my own birth chart, I could better understand why I was the way I was and could use my so-called “quirks” to my advantage. As such, understanding the psychology of the zodiac signs has, was, and always will be my greatest strength.

     As an accomplished astrologer, I believe the universe has a message for everyone. Through my engaging horoscopes, articles, and chart readings, I’ve helped thousands learn more about the captivating world of astrology and how it not only impacts them, but also how they can use it to foster a better sense of self. As a Leo Rising, I enjoy using astrology to bolster people’s spirits, whether that’s through an encouraging TikTok horoscope, or through an immersive birth chart reading. “What is my career path?” or “Which signs am I most compatible with?” are questions I love to answer. My unique approach to astrology fuses pop culture, mythology, humor, and practical wisdom in a way that demystifies the mysterious and brings the abstract down to earth. In all that I do—be it a horoscope, a TikTok, or a chart reading—my aim is to make astrology fun and accessible for all

      That said, I specialize in relationship, career, and creative astrology. (This makes sense given my romance-loving Pisces Moon, and the goal-oriented nature of My Gemini Sun and Leo stellium!) So, if you want to know about your love life—be it expanding your understanding of your relationship patterns, or learning more about the signs you are most compatible with—or, you want to know how to attain a meaningful career and actualize your creative potential, I am the astrologer for you.  

Stellar Accomplishments

     In 2015, I published my first astrology book, The Zodiac Abstract, a 360-page eBook on the 12 zodiac signs, their strengths and challenges, and the stereotypes that get in the way of understanding. This is around the time I first created Cosmic Cannibal, with my first astrology blog on Tumblr. Since 2017, I’ve penned a plethora of astrology articles and horoscopes for three digital newspapers, offering insights that resonate with thousands of readers seeking cosmic guidance. I currently write weekly astrology forecasts and podcast episodes for The Cosmic Almanac on Substack. 

      I have a B.A. in English Literature and Creative Writing, and an extensive background in music, art, publishing, journalism, and acting. So, reading a chart, “reading” the planetary transits of each week/month, and finding the themes therein and the story being told, is something I have lots of experience doing. What many of my clients and supporters don’t know is that I’m also a fiction writer. In 2023, I finished my first book, Jupiter Returns, a chick lit fiction novel that mixes together astrology, humor, and romance into one. I like to think my unique storytelling brings the cosmos to life in a way that captivates the imagination while making you LOL.

Join the Cosmic Journey

     As of 2023, Cosmic Cannibal has blossomed out of a blog and into a bona fide brand, and I cannot be more excited for it. I have funneled all of my experience practicing and writing about astrology into a slew of digital goods that teach YOU the ins and outs of astrology. I’ve put my heart and mind into all of my workbooks, guides, workshops, and courses to help students of all levels learn more about astrology and their unique astrological makeup, so that they can feel more confident in their relationships and daily lives. 

     Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or a curious cosmic traveler, Cosmic Cannibal is your compass through the cosmic tapestry. Prepare to be educated, entertained, and enlightened as you explore the depths of astrology with my expert guidance. Discover the secrets of the stars, unveil the mysteries of your birth chart, and embark on a journey of self-discovery like no other. Welcome to the cosmic revolution—welcome to Cosmic Cannibal.

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